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Who Am I Release 0.10.0

The “Who Am I” username enumeration tool now includes the Maigret dataset by default, expanding its search capability by thousands of websites for username verification. For detailed information on the Maigret dataset and to explore its features, visit Maigret on GitHub. To enhance your browsing experience with this functionality, install the “Who Am I” Chrome extension available at the Chrome Web Store

Due to the large number of sites that are surveyed for the username all requests now stream the responses back. This creates a more fluid feel in the UI. 

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OSINT LIAR’s Package Management

OSINT LIAR’s 1.8 release adds a package management system to the software as a service. This provides a curated list of useful OSINT resources. These packages provide urls, descriptions, and automations that simplify the data collection process and automate the information extraction process. The packages are OSINT LIAR plugins..

Plugins can aid in your research or investigation by providing additional resources to use for verifying information, finding new pivots, or they provide additional insight through their data visualization capabilities. 

The package management system has a public repository that is available to anyone and there is a private repository that comes packaged with the Pro version of the OSINT LIAR software. The Pro version also includes data extractor plugins which are web scraping scripts that will enhance your abilities by extracting out targeted information such as phone, email, address, images, geo locations and other useful facts use advanced data engineering techniques.

For example, our Craigslist ad plugin that is available through the public packages repository has the ability to extract: ad creation date and time, geo location coordinates, and extracts the larger images for each thumbnail listed under the ad. This saves you time by automating the annotation of critical data and saving of the larger higher quality images. With the data captured by OSINT LIAR, it opens up the ability to analyze your collected Craigslist data using a myriad of other OSINT related packages, that are available in the OSINT LIAR package management system.

Try out OSINT LIAR today, risk free.

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Triaging OSINT Pivots with OSINT LIAR

While conducting research it is really easy to accumulate too many pivots to explore. For example, when we extract usernames from a conversation in a forum that can generate 10 to 30 new leads to follow up on. Over the span of several different conversionsations on forums this can lead to hundreds of pivots to identify. Always of these potential leads are always appreciated during the collection phase, but pose a challenge when doing the analysis because each pivot must be identified and assessed on its true value. This can lead to a lot of work for an individual.

OSINT LIAR provides 4 mechanisms to reduce the overhead in collecting, managing, exploring and auditing your pivots.

  • OSINT LIAR provides a internal Javascript engine for performing targeted data extractions from the content that you save into your collection. This saves you the tedious task of identifying each username or pivot in a capture. This approach saves you time, but generates additional data
  • During the assessment phase of the pivot, we typically need to leverage tools for looking the up the pivot across many social media and data aggregation sites. This can readily be achieved by leveraging the “Discovery Plugin” functionality within OSINT LIAR. The “open all” feature allows us to quickly explore multiple sites for additional information on the selected pivot.
  • If the pivot does not add value to your research, it can be quickly deleted from the analysis. When a pivot is deleted a record is made in the audit log. This helps us if we need to backtrack and re-explore dead ends, removing the need for us to keep great notes or relying upon memory.
  • Recorded pivots are identified across your collection, thus giving you insight into potential connections, trends, and patterns that may otherwise remain hidden in your data.

Here is short video demonstrating username extraction from Reddit and how to quickly triage the data after looking at username across several social media and data aggregation sites.

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OSINT LIAR 1.5.0 Release

We are proud to announce the release of OSINT LIAR 1.5.0. This release is packed with features:

  • OSINT LIAR is free for personal or for use by non-profits
  • Usage no longer requires an API key, when using it for personal use
  • Audit logging was added to track changes when captures are shared between people
  • Improved Integration with existing OSINT Tools
  • Created a Discovery Plugin repository for extending the functionality of OSINT LIAR
  • Fixed bugs in the Origin Permissions Access controls
  • Fixed bugs with single access requests
  • Improved text search algorithm
  • Simplified the install process

Security Scans

OSINT LIAR is submitted to Virus Total on each build. To view the analysis by Virus Total go to

We always recommend scanning all exes for malware or viruses. 

To try it out, download the Chrome Extension from

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Who Am I: Release 0.7.0

Who Am I, a chrome extension for username enumeration has a new release. Who Am I now lets you right click on highlighted text and utilizes the “Whats My Name” and “Sherlock” sites list for searching across hundreds of social media sites. Who Am I’s, search functionality has been improved so you can quickly reduce the number of false positive matches by entering additional text about your POI.

Get the chrome extension free from

Need an Enterprise grade OSINT collection tool for collecting webpage, images, videos and files? Checkout out OSINT LIAR, it does more than just collect, it saves you time, preserves your content, and integrates with AI/ML service providers. OSINT LIAR transforms your data into information with our data visualizations tools. 



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Application Key Token

Your Data is Firewalled

OSINT LIAR uses a RESTful API approach for saving and retrieving your data. To protect your data we use tokens. OSINT LIAR “Application Key Tokens” are a string of alphanumeric and other characters. They are not encoded, at this time. You MUST provide this token to the application to you want to provide authorization to.  If token does not exist or is an incorrect token, the request is blocked by the OSINT LIAR application. Each token is randomly generated as to prevent attacks against fixed token values. 

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Browser Extensions And User Snippets

Chrome Extensions And User Snippets

Most Open Source Intelligence collection techniques rely on your web browser for accessing and acquiring data. Chrome Extensions play a major role in helping extract and archive data from web pages. Extensions provide you with the “easy” button, when it comes collecting the data. User Snippets are multiline Javascript functions that you can run directly against web pages that you are trying to extract data from. 

Chrome Extensions: Are pre-made software programs that run within your browser. Extensions can be installed through the chrome store or loaded directly from your file system. Extension allow you to customize the look, feel, interactivity and functionality during your web browsing session. The Chrome store has over 180K extensions available for download. If you can think it, there is a chrome extension for it. 

User Snippets: User snippets in Chrome are a feature of the Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools) that allow developers to run Javascript programs on demand.  User Snippets can function like a recipe book for accessing and acquiring data from a variety of web sites. They can easily be reused across different websites, that use the same underlying technology. The best part about User Snippets is they can readily be modified and updated at anytime.

OSINT LIAR is a highly adaptive next generation collection tool. Get your free trial today at

User Snippet: Expand YouTube Comments And Save Using OSINT LIAR

* OSINT LIAR: Snippet for collecting comments from a YouTube video and save the page and the comments into OSINT LIAR.
* Buy or get a Trial license for OSINT LIAR from 

(function expandAllComments() {
    let lastScrollHeight = -1;
    let saved = false;
    let lastNodeCount = 0;
    let tries = 0;
    const EXTENSION_ID = 'mgmandbcdaecndcllojppohiekdbhcie';
    const distance = 150; // How many pixels to scroll on each step
    let scrolled = 0;
    let flag = false;
    const MAX_TRIES = 40; // Set higher if you have a high latency internet connection or saving is happening too early.
    let intervalId = setInterval(() => {
        // Find all "Show more" and reply buttons buttons for comments and replies
        const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(
            '.ytd-item-section-renderer, .ytd-continuation-item-renderer, .ytd-replies-alt, .more-button'
        // Click each "Show more" button if it's not already clicked
        buttons.forEach(button => {
            if (isButtonVisible(button) && !button.getAttribute('clicked')) {
                button.setAttribute('clicked', true);

        let exit = false;
            flag = true;

        // Scroll down to load more comments
        window.scrollBy(0, distance);
        scrolled += distance;
        // Check if the scroll position is at the bottom and no more comments to load
        if (flag) {
            console.log('All comments expanded. Scrolling to the top...');
            window.scrollTo(0, 0); // Scroll back to the top of the page
              saved = true;
              // Save the page into OSINT LIAR              
              chrome.runtime.sendMessage(EXTENSION_ID, {captureTab: true},
                function(response) {
        else {
            previousHeight = lastScrollHeight;
            lastScrollHeight = document.documentElement.scrollHeight;
            const element = document.getElementById('sections');
            let height = element.clientHeight;                              
            flag = (lastScrollHeight > height + 5000 && tries > MAX_TRIES)
                console.log("scroll height flag")

            if(lastNodeCount === element.children.length){
            if(!flag && tries > MAX_TRIES && previousHeight === lastScrollHeight){  
              flag = true;
              console.log("Max tries exceeded.")  
            else if(lastNodeCount !== element.children.length || previousHeight !== lastScrollHeight)
              lastNodeCount = element.children.length
              tries = 0;
                }, 750); // Adjust time interval as needed, depends on your latency

function delay(milliseconds){
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds);

function isButtonVisible(button) {

    if (!button) {
        console.log('Button not found');
        return false;

    const style = window.getComputedStyle(button);

    // Check for display property
    if (style.display === 'none') return false;

    // Check for visibility property
    if (style.visibility === 'hidden') return false;

    // Check for opacity
    if (style.opacity === '0') return false;

    // Check if the button has dimensions
    if (button.offsetWidth === 0 && button.offsetHeight === 0) return false;

    // Check if the button is in the viewport
    const rect = button.getBoundingClientRect();
    const inViewport = >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth);

    return inViewport;


Need Help Getting It Working? Let Us Know.

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The Four Ways To Capture A Web Page

The Four Ways To Capture A Web Page

For last several years, I have learned a lot about Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and wanted to share with others my knowledge about this field. My background is in Computer Science and have 20 years of experience at this point. In a series of Blog posts, I will go deeper into each of these capture methods, but for now we will keep it simple. Our example web page is It doesn’t have dynamic content, nor any videos. 

In future blog posts, we will go over the problem set involved in live data captures.

Screen Capture

 Taking a screenshot of a web page is a quick and straightforward method. It captures the page exactly as it appears at a moment in time, including layout and images. However, it’s static and doesn’t preserve the interactivity or underlying code. Screenshots can be saved in various formats like PNG or JPEG.

Saving As HTML

 This method saves the HTML file of the web page. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language used to create web pages. When you save a page as HTML, it typically involves saving the basic HTML file along with a folder containing the associated files like images, stylesheets (CSS), and JavaScript files.

Saving As MHTML

MHTML (MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate HTML Documents) is a web page archive format used to combine resources like images, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML into a single file. When you save a page as MHTML, it creates a single file that encapsulates the entire page.

PDF Export

 Exporting a web page as a PDF is a useful way to preserve its visual layout and text content. This method is widely supported and convenient for sharing and viewing. However, like screenshots, it creates a static record and doesn’t preserve the interactivity or the full functionality of the web page.

What Works Best?

My preference is for storing web pages as MHTML. They provide the underlying html source code, they do not have Javascript enabled in them. OSINT LIAR stores your web page captures as MHTML on your local computer, in an encrypted database, not in the cloud. 

Did you know, OSINT LIAR can store all of these web page captures? If you have a favorite tool for doing your captures, awesome! OSINT LIAR is already compatible with it. 

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Boolean Search with LIA

The Local Internet Archive or LIA now supports Boolean search. Boolean search can help you narrow or widen your search criteria depending on your needs. LIA supports the following Boolean search options:

  • NOT
  • AND
  • OR

These provide the ability to focus a search, particularly when your topic contains multiple search terms.

For example, let imagine we want to extract out search results based upon the state name. One query may look like this:


This gives all the results that contain the keyword “MICHIGAN” but does not contain the word “FLORIDA”. This is helpful for narrowing the results of a search space.

If we needed to widen our scope and include all results that have either “MICHIGAN” or “FLORIDA” we would use the following query.


In our last example, we only want to get results that have “MICHIGAN” and “FLORIDA”. We would use the next query.


Using this search phrase will restrict the results to search hits that contain both “MICHIGAN” and “FLORIDA”.

Complex Boolean Searches

It is possible to chain Boolean searches together to expand or narrow the search space even more.

Here is a good example that uses 2 Boolean operators.


These can be continuously chained to together to narrow or wide the scope of your search.